My Testimony

This was originally written on November 1, 2023. The day of my Baptism.

My story some may know, others may know a little or some not at all. So I will briefly give you a little background to my life which eventually led to me accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior. 

I lived in a home that regularly went to church when I was younger and I was blessed to be in a family that was close to God with multiple pastors in the family. When I was younger though my experiences and hard times shaped how I viewed God and my relationship with Him. I would go to church and but then at home I would witness my mother get abused by my father. I would go to church and come home to poverty and lack. I would go to church and eventually not even have a home to go to. Twice my family was homeless. When things were looking up in life, I was denied to continue the path I worked so hard towards to get into medical school. Following that, I suffered years in depression and loneliness. Sin overcame me. Like oil, filth and corruption covered me. I was callused, cynical, and basked in sin as if were water. For years I thought I believed in Jesus, but thoughts are just thoughts if there is just a sliver of doubt; and words are just words if you do not act upon them. The chains of sin would remain no matter what I did even if I tried to better myself. I would attend church but that didn’t mean the chains went away. I would listen to certain Christian podcasts every morning. But that doesn’t mean the chains will go away. I would even listen to scripture but that didn’t lead to me getting anywhere because I didn’t understand the answer that was looking me smack in the face the entire time. I needed to live what I was reading. You can say you welcome Jesus into your heart, but for that to happen you need to make sure you clear the space for Him because that is how you truly show you believe. It could be described that I had been a slave to sin and my path to the Father was held back by no one but myself. Only recently has my slavery ended when Jesus came and forgave me and freed me of those chains.

It wasn’t until recently that things changed. You can say I was bored when I found myself going down the YouTube rabbit hole. I was watching videos on the Israeli conflict and something led me to watch a video with a thumbnail saying  “What the terror attacks on Israel mean for Bible prophecy.” This one video led me to watch exactly 34 more videos throughout the remainder of the day that talked about God and the Bible. By the end of the day, I had felt as if I was living my last day on Earth and I that needed to make right with God if I ever wanted to see my family again in Heaven. I had never felt a greater sense of mortality than I did those first few days. I remember crying unlike any time I had ever cried before once I sat down and actually prayed because I was so sorry for letting down the one God that’s always been right there with me no matter the things that I’ve witnessed. That very next morning I went to Gochurch’s baptism link before leaving for work and confessed that I had accepted Jesus into my heart. I have told others that my life feels as if I had died that day. Ever since that day I have truly given my life to Jesus knowing that this life is no longer my own and I am but a servant. When I had received a prophetic anointing a long time ago, I was told that it could mean that I may become a martyr for Christ. I didn’t want that back then, but right here and right now I can stand before you and declare that even if I am to be a martyr, I will obey and serve. 

Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.  - Matthew 10:38-39


The Shoot


Light Series: Shadow of the World