Light Series: Shadow of the World

Often I observe and ponder the existences and laws that make up the world, and wonder if there is more meaning behind the seemingly basic definitions we give them. One such concept is a shadow. We all cast a shadow here on earth, when under a light. The way to have no shadow is to be surrounded by light. We can still observe the happenings of things within shadows for they are not covered completely in darkness, but there is an obstacle that must be interfering with the light to cause such a disruption to manifest. Darkness cannot overcome the light, but it is the light that overcomes the darkness[John 1:5]. God divided the light from the darkness [Genesis 1:4]. This divide and separation, based on our basic understanding of light means that there was interceding to cause the separation. Otherwise light would just consume the dark [John 1:5]. It is when external things impede the light that darkness has a place. God does not say in Genesis 1:3-4 Let there be darkness. He says let there be Light. He says that the Light is good and then separates light which brings about darkness.

We on earth are surrounded by many obstacles and distractions that are implemented to impede us from the light. Some things may cast a larger shadow than others which if separated enough from light can lead to darkness. When one dwells within and sees only through the lens of the shadow (that is not from God, and His coverings) vanity results [Psalm 39:6]. Vanities of the world can impede us from the very things God has in store for us. The light is the Lord Jesus [John 8:12, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 37:5, 1 John 1:5-7].

Now that we know of the interactions that cause shadows to manifest themselves, what are we to do in a world where these exist? Entities that not only lower the brightness but in so doing distract us from things the light reveals. Focus is a key concept in understanding vanity.

If we focus on the shadows in our lives or the things that create shadows, the things of vanity, we miss everything around the shadow that dwells within the light even if dimmed. Ecclesiastes 8 says this; “The days of the wicked are like that of a shadow as they have things which keep them from the light. Fear of the Lord is not in their lives as they do not turn from the shadow.” The things of vanity in our lives or the desires of our flesh will lead us towards sin. Those who dwell and stay focused in the shadow are not sat properly in the light. We are told to focus not on the things of the earth, but on things above. [Colossians 3:2]

How may we turn from the vanities of earth we are so focused on? I’ll answer this as best as I believe now with the following questions:

  • Are you aware of the Light that is in you?

    I should begin this discussion with the Light that is in you before the Light we follow and are covered with. The source of light is to be believer’s guide, and that source is Jesus. Jesus is the Word and the light [John 1:1, Psalm 119:105]. The light that dwells within you is to be a light unto the world, the lost, the people who do not know God… [Matthew 5:14-16, Acts 47:47]. Your light is for the guidance of others. The Holy Spirit is the ultimate friend, helper, guide and counselor to point you towards the true Light who is Jesus. And through you following His Light under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, He bestows to you the light that others may see signs that direct them to Jesus. As disciples, we follow the True Light in Jesus and His teachings. We immerse ourselves in His Light and seek Him as our source of protection and covering.

  • How do you position yourself in the Light?

    Are you reading the Word daily? How do you pray? Do you set aside time to actually spend time with the Lord to converse or do you find prayer to be a one way conversation? The entrance of God’s words give light [Psalm 119:130]. If it is the light that you are seeking, maybe find some time in the secret place to rekindle that fire that is within you first.

  • How intense is the Light that you are positioning yourself in?

    Position is important, but surrender is key. I tend to believe the portion of your surrender to God is relational to the intensity of light that is shown upon/within you [Psalm 80:19]. Even if you might not see it... We lie to ourselves when we say that we give God everything, there’s usually something that we latch onto that we might not even be aware of because it has yet to have been revealed. The question I ask from this is, are you really willing to do the tough and seemingly impossible things that challenge your faith? Think about the things He could ask of you to do or sacrifice. Are you willing to do so the first time He asks? Your faith will be tested and in the testing, your faith will certainly grow. But will you find that the distance you say that you will go and the distance you are actually capable of align? Your words hold power and the word, faith, is not one that should so easily be tossed around. Faith is an exercise to be grown, strengthened, and toned. Not to be placed upon a shelf and only spoken about having.

  • Are you focused on the shadow or are you even aware of the shadow?

    What may start as vanity can easily turn into sin. Ask yourself, does this glorify God? To be focused on vanity is to know of its existence. To acknowledge that it needs to be removed is to admit that the Lord has made it known that to remain is sin.

    For those who ride/know motorcycles, you will know, where you look is where you go. You are trained to direct your head and eyes exactly to where it is that you need to go. If you were to keep your eyes directed at a pothole, you may go right into it. Should you be aware of it? Of course, however, it is the path that you are to remain on that should be the focus.

    Remember that though the Lord may have you remove something from your life that is not specific in the Word, it does not necessarily mean that it needs to be removed from others. They either might not be in the correct position or time for that or it is not needed for them to be removed as it is for you.

  • Is your shadow cast behind you, in front of you, or is it beneath you?

    Immerse yourself in Him, keep Jesus at the center of your thoughts and in so doing they remain above keeping the shadows that are below, beneath your feet. This does not mean to be unaware of the vanity in your life, but it is to trust in God to take lead and cover you. When we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us to do His work here on earth, His Light is overhead. Isaiah 58:10 says this, “ and if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted souls; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday” When we abide in Him through the love from our souls our light springs forth from the dark. The Bible often speaks of the noonday, or the time period in which the Sun is directly overhead[Psalm 91:6, Job 5:14, Psalm 37:6, Job 11:17, Isaiah 16:3, Deuteronomy 28:29, Jeremiah 15:8, Isaiah 58:10, Isaiah 59:10…]. This is the designated point where we are exposed for who we are, judgement occurs at the noonday [Psalm 37:6, Isaiah 16:3].

    Fear what it is that the Lord is capable of and willing to do to correct His children in love. Malachi 4:2 says this, “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.” Trust more in the Father in whom you revere to more faithfully bestow light than the Sun He created that rises daily.

    Through our desire to know God, we must trust in Him to provide the light, grace, and direction [1 John 1:5-7]. We may be blinded when we stare into the light, but what about those awesome events that He reveals through His light? We might not understand the work He instructs us to do, or know Him as well as to be able to take a glimpse of His light, but maybe the reason the wise seek to know it and are not able to find it is because they are not capable of being in the position to understand [Ecclesiastes 8:17]. Though we may not understand now, maybe it only takes observation from another angle—an angle He may or may not permit us to see.


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