If You Were a Tree

Back in high school, when I had tried out for drum major, my mom would ask me interview questions to help me prepare. One of those questions was: “if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?” The question was meant to explore the individual nature of specific trees and what characteristics aligned with my life. At the time, I didn’t know what kind of tree I would be. I gave a generic response based upon the difficulty I had faced growing up. It wasn’t until this past year that I finally began to truly understand who I am on a deeper level.

When we want to understand something or someone, it is best to evaluate the production of that very thing to understand its qualities. This is why Jesus describes us disciples as bearing fruit, because fruit is the evidence of life that comes from having Jesus within us [John 15:5, Matthew 7:16-20]. True disciples will bear the fruit, it is also the method we use to discern what is good and what is not.

To learn more about God and the characteristics of God, we turn first to scripture. It is through the Word of God, and the outpouring of His Spirit, that we are able to better understand who God truly is [2 Timothy 3:16-17, John 14:26]. Throughout scripture we find so many instances of the characteristics of God. To begin, let’s consider God as the Creator of all that is known [Genesis 1:1; Romans 1:20]. We can glimpse pieces of who God is in His creations. Just as an artist leaves a signature mark, or distinct style on their work, God also displays characteristics of Himself in everything He created, including us [Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139:13-14].

As image bearers of God, we hold a multitude of His attributes. This is why, on the day He created man He said it was “very good” [Genesis 1:31]. When we see one another as image bearers of the Creator of the universe-each a masterpiece of His design- it changes how we view and treat others, believer or not [James 3:9, 1 John 4:7-8]. To take this further, imagine speaking to everyone as if you are speaking to Jesus Himself [Matthew 25:40]. How much longer will you extend the conversation you would previously try to escape? How much closer will you listen to what is being said? How quickly will you lend a hand or go out of your way to help others?

I challenge us all to spend a week practicing this perspective. Let’s treat each person we encounter as if we are speaking directly to Jesus, our friend, and savior. Let’s see how this changes our actions, mindset, and heart.

Returning to the original question of; if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? When we live our lives as ones rooted in Christ, our identity becomes self-evident [Colossians 2:6-7]. If I were a tree, I would be a palm tree. A symbol that declares victory in Christ. One who seeks to pad the path for Jesus’ return. One that, when isolated on an island, provides fruit for the lost by His grace. A tree that, if improperly located, will not flourish. One who is separated and separates itself from many things it wishes to know. Though not strong, it is flexible to weather many storms. Even when bent from storms, it remains upright when others are prone to crumble. One that, when used, is taken apart for the purpose of building.

That is who I am. If you were a tree, what would you be?


The Blade of Grass